Sunday, June 28, 2015

Oakham Town Councils Planning & Parks Meeting 24th June 2015 Video the most unprofessional public meeting so far this year

Oakham Town Councils Planning & Parks Meeting 24th June 2015 Video the most unprofessional public meeting so far this year

The camera battery only lasts two hours so fortunately you will miss the chairman inappropriate
comments about single mothers here in Rutland. If you are really interested to learn more you
can ask the council for a copy of their film or speak to the member of the public who was

The planning part of the meeting was rushed and little consideration was given to applications,

The meeting was described as shambolic by the chairman.

Some councillors had more important things to do or say whilst a member of the public was
speaking at deputations.

Cllr Stubbs and Blanksby constantly objected to my input and Cllr Blanksby at one point
says I am lying about litter in Cutts Close.

This meeting was worse than being at school.