Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Rutland County Council Annual General Meeting Video and Report 2015

Rutland County Council Annual General Meeting Video and Report 2015

Rutland County Council Former Chairman's Badge 2015

Cllr Cross &  Cllr Clifton Conservatives

Rutland County Council AGM 2015 Report

Tonight Rutland County Council finally got around to holding its AGM the first meeting
since the May Election.

The new council seemed to be in a good mood, Cllr Cross (Tory) had not lost his
magical sense of humour. Sitting next to his new best friend Cllr Clifton (Tory) he decided
to let everyone know his microphone stand was the perfect flat cap stand.

Charlotte Vernon (Not Rotten Tory) attended to finish her term as chairman, she was presented
with a former chairman's badge and a bunch of flowers.

Cllr Ken Ball (Tory) was appointed the new Chairman and Edward Baines (Tory) the deputy.
a rotten choice a deputy who thinks anything modern is rotten.

Roger Begy (Tory) was surprisingly elected a the leader of the council. He wasted no time
in appointing Terry King Tory as his deputy in such a hurry he announced it before the
agenda item.

Whilst looking around the chamber and especially in the direction of leadership I could
not help thinking I was attending a board meeting of Grace Brothers department store.

Roger Begy  has a new blond sitting on his write and Terry King  to his left and the sales staff
William  old Mr Granger and Richard Clifton making a great Mr Humphrey's, (I better stop
before I get into trouble)

The appointments to committees and outside bodies seemed to be well  rehearsed.

I was very disjointed to see the lack of interest of members to sit on the Joint Cemetery
Committee. Rutland County Council under the Conservative leadership have disgracefully
neglected it. They are hoping the Town Council will be taking it over, Roger Begy mentioned
Oakham Mayors comments that they would be taking it over this year. I know they won't
if it remains in it present poor state.

Cllr Gale (Independent) questioned political balance and the  figures and the monitoring officer
did not have a clue.what he was on about not much changed there.

It would seem the new formed political independent group (whatever that is?) led by Cllr Walters
has effected what positions are available for the remaining two Independent Candidates.
Yes confusing we have a group of Independent Couincillors who were elected and as individual
Independents. Only at Rutland County Council.

As for its leader Cllr Alan Walter not a bad person, but clearly wanting to please the
Conservative leadership. It will be interesting to see how this political group lasts.