Monday, June 08, 2015

Sir Clive may seek re-election but as an independent candidate rather than a Conservative. Leics and Rutland Police and Crime Commissioner

Sir Clive may seek re-election but as an independent candidate rather than a Conservative. Leics and Rutland Police and Crime Commissioner

Tory sources have told the Leicester Mercury they understand Sir Clive may seek re-election but as an independent candidate rather than a Conservative.

The Leicester Mercury put this to Sir Clive and he declined to comment but he did release a short statement in which he said he was not certain to seek re-election at all.

I have always been a little confused as to why Sir Clive Loader became a Tory to gain his
post. He once told me he was not political. Strange then for him to hide under the Tory Banner.

I remember the hustings 2012 here in Rutland and I told him if he was an independent I would vote
for him. This upset Mrs C.

I think the role should be non political, a good reason for this is, Sir Clive achieved nothing in
his first year in office because he had to put his plan before Sir Alan Duncan for Tory

The position of crime commissioner if truly independent would be welcome.

I would not want to see a return of the council appointed police authority Chairman
meaning we would see a repeat of what happened hear in Rutland when Tory Councillors
felt they could manipulate the police, A former Tory Councillor  once stood
up in a meeting and demanded just that. Pointing out the chairman who was sitting a
few seats away.