Monday, July 06, 2015

A Monument to the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Barrowden Rutland is causing a stink

A Monument to the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Barrowden Rutland is causing a stink

Eight residents have objected to the Monument and Rutland County Councils
Planning officers are recommending refusal.

2015/0125/FUL will be consider tomorrow evening at Rutland County Council Development
and Control Meeting.

Planning Officers Recommendation:

The proposed monument, by virtue of its location, height, design and materials, would appear
as an incongruous addition, out of keeping with the rural character of this edge of village
location, to the detriment of the character and appearance of Barrowden Conservation Area. As
such, the proposal is contrary to policies CS19 and CS22 of the adopted Core Strategy (2011),
policies SP15 and SP20 of the adopted Site Allocations and Policies Development Plan
Document (2014), and paragraph 134 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2012)