Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Casterton College Rutland to start consultation to move Rutland County College due to the appearance of a Free School Sixth Form, Harington

Casterton College Rutland to start consultation to move Rutland County College due to the appearance of a Free School Sixth Form, Harington 

We are going out to consultation on a proposal to move the location of our sixth form to the site of Casterton College from 2017-18. The consultation will last until 23rd September, after which the governing body will make a decision.
The sixth form is part of Casterton Business and Enterprise College (now Casterton College Rutland) and our plans are intended to ensure that post 16 education in Rutland thrives and prospers moving forwards.
This situation has been brought about by the appearance of a Free School Sixth Form, Harington School, which will start in September 2015 on the site of Catmose College.
Rutland County College has been a success, increasing its role by 30% and enjoying a 3 A Level pass rate 5% above the national average. In 2014, 25% of our university applicants progressed to Russell Group Universities. However, decisions taken at national level have created a situation where two school sixth forms have been placed side by side in a small town. Our proposal, if approved would resolve this situation.
Carl Smith