Friday, July 03, 2015

Initial Report Made To City of London Police Regarding Oakham Town Council 2015 - 2016 Accounts

Initial Report Made To City of London Police Regarding Oakham Town Council Accounts

Since the 10th June 2015 when Oakham Town Councillors accepted accounts
containing errors not a day has passed without us being told more errors have been

Now we are told we can not approve last months Schedule of Payments nor
a Statement of Accounts for June 2015 due to the current situation. This approval
is a legal requirement of any parish council.

Next Wednesday if the Chairman feels he wants to comply with the law, then I
shall being asking for the accounts to be audited for the last five years.

I was never to keen to see the internal auditor, until last year had failed to sign
his reports.

Due to today's development I telephoned Leicestershire Police who listened to
my concerns and the officer used the word Fraud and gave me a City Of London
Police Fraud Number.

I told a person there what was happening and they said because this involved
a Council and possible fraud and corruption, this matter would need to be
referred to a special department. I will be updated in a couple of days.

The Chairman And Mayor Councillor Alf Dewis has finally responded to
a couple of my emails I have sent since he unlawfully gagged me and
excluded me from a council meeting on Monday.

He thinks he is the Queen because he instructs the Clerk to communicate
with me costing the tax payer even more money.

Sent: Friday, July 03, 2015 at 3:41 PM
From: "Richard White"
To: "Martin Brookes "
Subject: No Subject

Do you want to talk as we presently appear to be on diverging tracks?

Richard White
Clerk to Oakham Town Council
01572 723627