Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Deputy Leader of Rutland Council On BBC East Midlands Today Said He Won't Resign for £1.88m loss & Aman Mehra's Suicide is not connected

Deputy Leader of  Rutland Council On BBC East Midlands Today,Said He Won't Resign for £1.88m loss & Aman Mehra's Suicide is not connected.

The BBC were told Aman Mehra headed the department and his suicide was not connected.

From what  I am told Rutland County Council is a dismal place to work under the leadership
of Helen Briggs. She has been responsible for so many mistakes and never takes responsibility
she should resign or be sacked.

I remember when I was protesting last year about her lying in court, a members of staff told me he is sick and if I did not stop making a noise he would kill himself. He went and hid in the grounds.
I asked him why he was at work if he was sick, he replied Mrs Briggs would sack him if he took
time of work.

At the audit and risk meeting last night, I learnt small changes are being made at RCC.
The council say it is keen to support the wellbeing of all its staff, so much so it has created a
staff room for staff on the third floor this year so they can have breaks.

It wa also confirmed on the BBC News that councillor were forced to agree to keep
the mistake a secret for 2 months after the election.

Personally I can't trust any councillor who agreed to cover up this huge loss.
Of course the few Tory voters who turn out to vote at the election soon forget the
mistakes made by this Tory Council.

The biggest disappointment to me is this councillor who is currently
no on speaking terms. Yes he signed to cover up and constantly
told people there was a secret he wished he could expose.
Has he not read his own sign.

Rutland County Council seem to be blind to public annoyance about
this matter. At the start of Oakham Town Council's meeting Cllr Paul
Mills repeatedly said Rutland County Councillors should be shot! I
assume he was joking?

I fully agree with UKIP Richard Billingtons comments if he lost
a client £2,000,000 he would be struck of, I know a person who
made a clerical error whilst working for Anderson's and lost a client
£2m and they were struck of for a few years.

Someone needs to take responsibility at RCC, we have heard the CEO
saying she is responsible for her staff's actions and is sorry. Is she?
I doubt it. All the time she was meant to be concentrating on her
job she was dabbling in local politics supporting the Conservatives
and bullying Cllrs and lying in court about me.