Sunday, September 27, 2015

High Sheriff of Rutland Driving Sheep Across London Bridge.

High Sheriff of Rutland Driving Sheep Across London Bridge.

Freemen of the City of London exercised their ancient right to drive flocks of sheep across London Bridge

More than 800 Freemen of the City of London, affiliated to one of the 110 City Livery Companies, joined forces today exercise their long-established right to drive sheep across London’s oldest river crossing. The event not only puts the spotlight on British lamb and wool but also raises tens of thousands of pounds for the Lord Mayor’s Appeal.

Twenty sheep were provided for the event by a Bedfordshire farmer, with just ten at a time driven across the bridge by successive groups of Freemen.

The animals were at all times under the observation of their usual shepherd and, as in previous years, closely monitored by representatives of the City of London’s Animal Health and Welfare Service, a veterinary surgeon and the RSPCA. Whilst looking after our High Sheriff