Saturday, September 12, 2015

Mr Morgan has demanded Rutland County Council pay compensation for the distress Oakham Cemetery Grave Mix Up & Forgotten Babies

Mr Morgan has demanded Rutland County Council pay compensation for the distress Oakham Cemetery Grave Mix Up

The Rutland Times reports about Mr Morgan's case


It is now reported that six graves were dug up to find his father's remains.

Rutland County Council has tried to cover up mistakes it has made when running
the cemetery in Kilburn Road Oakham.

Back in October 2013 Rutland Radio News covered this story and then
it was said Five families were affected by the mix up in 2010,

Mr Morgan was heard speaking to Rutland Rutland Radio News about his family's distress after bodies were 'secretly exhumed.'

At that time I published a post about this:

Oakham Mayor Adam Lowe told me 'the statutory organisations as required by law were not informed.'

Oakham Mayor Adam Lowe told me about this terrible mistake, he also told me the monitoring and legal officer Geoff Pook was subjected to an investigation at that time,
When I contacted  Mr Pook he denied there was any issue concerning the cemetery.
Mr Pook later left the council.

Since 2010 the cemetery has been neglected by Rutland County Council and families have complained.

Rutland County Council is still hoping Oakham Town Council will take over
the running of the cemetery in 2016.

Oakham Town Council has listed improvement needed to be carried out before
the handover. Rutland County Council don't seem to have the ability to carry out this
work because they have offered Oakham Town Council money to carry out the work itself.

I hope Oakham Town Council sticks to its requirements.

Personally I do not think Oakham Town is capable of managing it to a standard
that would please families.

If the town council can not produce a basic strategic plan how could it possible
run a cemetery?

It also seems to me Rutland County Council just want to wash their hands
of a serious issue.

Only recently there was a doubt raised about whether a planning application
should be approved because no one at the council can remember if babies
were buried in a location.

Back in 2012 the following was reported to Oakham Town Council.

Oakham Cemetery, Rutland County Council, Can Not Provide Income or Expenditure

Oakham Cemetery, Rutland County Council, Can Not Provide Income or Expenditure

It was reported to Oakham Town Council that Rutland County Council can not provide
any information relating to the income or expenditure for the town's cemetery.

Cllr Guthrie and Cllr Lowe both represent the council on this committee made up of Councillors and staff from Rutland County Council.

The council said they could not provide the information due it's the council's new accounting system?

The committee has not met since March 2010 so this could explain the poor state of the cemetery.

Vale who are the contractor for the cemetery upkeep blame the poor weather for failing to to cut the
grass every two weeks.

I find that a poor excuse when it comes to the weed filled paths.

Rutland County Council is expecting Oakham Town Council to take over the responsibility of the cemetery.

I was pleased to hear Cllr Guthrie making recommendations that this should not happen if the the council was not going to hand it over in a good condition.

I would have added the lack of transparency regarding the finances was an issue.

If the Town Council is to take over the upkeep how will this be funded?

Will fees for burial be passed to the Town Council to cover the costs?