Thursday, September 17, 2015

Oakham Town Council Christmas Lights 2015 No improvements and Christmas Tree Contractor Rutland Garden Centre Pulls Outs

Oakham Town Council Christmas Lights 2015 No improvements and Christmas Tree Contractor Pulls Outs

After years of failings by Oakham Town Council a working group was set up.

Last year Oakham Town Council Christmas Tree effort was kindly rescued by
Rutland Garden Centre and Chris Hamilton.

Due to the good job they did last year Oakham Town Council agreed to appoint
them as their prefered contractor this year. I am assuming the Council asked them

The working group has now announced the appointed contractor has pulled out.
Last years replacement tree was donated and cost around £400 The council set
a budget of £1500 for this years so I am surprised to read the garden centre
has turned down such a deal.

A Councillor has suggested at this late stage, that Oakham Town Council
approach Lite ltd to supply a 20ft tree, the problem there is they don't supply
real trees as the residents of Stamford found out when a couple of years
ago their town council presented them with a cone which would have been
better placed in a shopping mall. Lite supplied a mini one which is placed
on the canopy of Victoria Hall each year that cost around £500.

Recently Oakham Town Council considered tenders for this year's
Christmas light's it exempted the item excluding public and press
because they felt it was not in the public interest to know who was tendering
for their money. So I can't tell you who tendered. What I can say is a local
company disappointingly forgot to tender before they went away on holiday.
I can tell you that the council has decided to go with the same company
it has used for the last 3 years.

The working group is recommending the following smaller display they still think
it is fine to use taxpayers money to pay for light bulbs on private property owned
by Tim Norton the Ford Dealership Outside the town centre? Can Tim Norton not
afford his own lights? The working group also suggest approaching local business for sponsorship.
surely Tim Norton would be a good starting point.

(I must point out I am not suggesting Tim Norton is doing anything wrong by accepting free Christmas lights from the taxpayer it is Oakham Town Council's fault although this will be ignored and OTC Cllrs I am sure will tell him I am bashing him on my blog as they do in other cases)

Mill Street, across shop fronts from High Street to South Street crossroad,
Burley Road, across building fronts from High Street to last business on right before the Burly road car park,

High St from White Lion to Westmoreland, Gaol Street, Market Place and Market Street (specifically across the Post Office). Tim Norton's Tree (existing coloured bulbs if serviceable), Library Tree ( lights to be sourced)

Church Street, across building fronts if unable to string across street subject to strong points,
from High Street to junction with Northgate.