Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Oakham Town Council No Contract No authorisation to pay for the last two years.

Last week I was contacted by Oakham Town Council and told a large invoice had
arrived and did I approve of the Clerk using his delegated powers to pay it.

I wonder why Oakham Town Council has any regulations, because it seems
almost everything required by law can be overruled or overturned when it
pleases them.

The invoice is for over £5,000 and is due before our next full council meeting,
The Clerk does not like late payments so he asked to use his delegated power to
pay. I wonder if we actually need councillors?

At recent training we were told no council business can be conducted by email
so I did not give my authority or refuse.

Then I remembered something and did some searching.

I could not find any record of formal authorisation for the work to be carried out for
the last two years, let alone council approval to enter into a contract.

I raised the issue with the Clerk he confirmed there is no contract.

He has assured me the payment won't be made and Cllrs will be
asked to approve this year's payment.

If the Cllrs follow the law they should all reject it, it will be interesting
to see how they fudge this one.

This shows another failing by the internal auditor who
did not pick this up whilst checking the 2014 - 2015 accounts.

Before I spoke to the Clerk today he sent me the email below
Some times I am sure Oakham Town Council think I am stupid?

Just because you make provision within you budget for something
it does not mean that expenditure has been approved.

It also shows members of the old council don't check anything,
because they approved the payment last year with the knowledge
they had only tendered for one year and awarded a contract for the
same period in 2012.


Re: Plantscape

Plantscape awarded three year contract for planting at Council meeting on 14/11/2012

Watering at £5800 approved for 2013 only at P and P meeting of 28/11/2012 (minute 141/12)

For 2014 a report to Council on 9/10/13 asked to approve budget for Floral Displays at £14000 which included watering
This was reduced to £13200 (Minute No. 168/13 (ii))

For 2015 Initial budget report to Council on 8/10/14 showing increase of £800 to £14000 for floral displays.

Budget approved at Council meeting on 14/01/15.

Therefore watering agreed for 2015 when budget approved on 14 January 2015

Richard White
Clerk to Oakham Town Council
01572 723627

The town council at its last meeting put in place some more
financial controls they are no good if they are ignored.

The watering contract should have been tendered and awarded

two years ago why was it not done.