Thursday, September 17, 2015

Rude Conduct Complaint From Former Oakham Mayor Paul Beech £350 of taxpayers money

Rude Conduct Complaint From Former Oakham Mayor  Paul Beech £350 of taxpayers money

Rutland County Council answered Cllr Walters questions about conduct complaints made
by Oakham Town Councillors since May.

25 since May, costing £350 each.

Today despite writing to Rutland County Council and requesting they do not send me
any correspondence relating to complaints made by Oakham Town Councillor and
past Mayors I received some more today, the worst is a complaint from Mr Beech.

The Town Clerk is happy to confirm I am not lying as stated
by Mr Beech full council does not decide to move the meeting

As for Mr Beech stating it is not his event he certainly
made it his is a recent Rutland Radio Interview.

Does Mr Beech ever dig into his own pocket and donate to
charity? If he does its his business and that should be the
same for me. It is becoming quite disturbing having Mr
Beech watching my every move. For his information
in the past I have made donations probably enough to
cover the cost of his cake at the private reception held
after the public event.

Complaint number 34