Thursday, September 17, 2015

Rutland Times Headline Council Loses out on £1.8m in admin mistake

Rutland Times Headline Council Loses out on £1.8m in admin mistake

Rutland County Council 14th September Larkfleet Homes Scandal Loss £1.88 million full video

Rutland County Council Larkfleet Contribution Vote 14th September 2015 Loss of £1.88 Million

Cllr Terry King An Understandable Mistake Rutland Council loses £1.88 million from Larkfleet Homes

Roger Begy Rutland County Council No Halo's Compares £1.88 million loss to minor traffic offence Video

Mr Begy said this a problem we should have avoided. When Mr Begy first heard the
news it was the most nasty times since he has been on the council. Obviously lives
are worth less than money?

Helen Briggs & Cllr Terry King Answer Cllrs Questions about £1.88 million Larkfleet Loss

One of the far reaching consequences of this serious error is Rutland County Councils
Budget, It has also given grants to Parish Councils and other organisations all based
on the belief the council would receive the full 106 contribution from Larkfleet Homes.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Cllr Edward Baines Rutland County Council Deputy Chair £1.88 million Loss not a question of blame Video

Cllr Edward Baines Rutland County Council Deputy Chair £1.88 million Loss not a question of blame.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Cllr Richard Clifton Speaking About Rutland County Councils £1.88 million Loss Video

Cllr Richard Clifton Speaking About Rutland County Councils £1.88 million Loss

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Cllr Richard Gale Former Anti Corruption & UKIP Rutland County Council Loss of £1.88 Million Video

Cllr Richard Gale Former Anti Corruption & UKIP Rutland County Council Loss of £1.88 Million

Mr Gale said the Chief Executive and the deputy leader should take responsibility
for this error.

Why should we believe Cllr King is the better person to carry out council negotiations?

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Rutland County Councillor Marc Oxley Disappointed after Rutland County Council lose £1.88 Million Video

Former Liberal Democrat and Green Rutland County Councillor Marc Oxley Disappointed after Rutland County Council lose £1.88 Million Video

Cllr Oxley had to repeat his question later because Mrs Briggs
had failed to record it correctly.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Tory Cllr Conde Grovelling Support to Rutland Portfolio Holder Responsible for £1.88 Million Loss Video

Another much more serious incident Rutland County Council regretted back in 2012
and attempted to hide from the public. Elderly Couple who died when their care
was meant to be supervised by Rutland County Council Social Services.
At the time the social worker responsible was running her own care company.


Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Helen Briggs Chief Executive Rutland County Council Sorry Losing £1.88 million from Larkfleet Homes Video

Helen Briggs Chief Executive Rutland County Council Sorry Losing £1.88 million from Larkfleet Homes

The Chief Executive kept this big secret from members from April 2015 until July 2015
The senior Conservative Leadership was aware of the "serious error" and also withheld
this information secret from all members and the public.

Of course they are now all very sorry and regretful for the mistake and loss which
"has far reaching consequences."

Rutland County Council member delegated powers to CEO Helen Briggs and
Portfolio Holder Terry King so they can complete and sign a new agreement
with Larkfleet Homes.

I and other once again find it puzzling why know one at Rutland County Council
takes any responsibility for another serious error.

This Tory Council is a shambles and always has been. I have listed some of the many serious
failings listed in a the previous post and add the following:

Post 16 education, Employing Helen Briggs, The Cemetery and The Highest Council Tax in England.
Failing Primary School and care of the elderly.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Rutland County Council's Chief Executive Helen Briggs Is Sorry for Losing Rutland £1.88 million

Rutland County Council's big secret finally became public knowledge today.
at around 3pm, up to this point Rutland County Council had tried to hide
the mistake from public view. I would like to know why they changed
their mind at 3pm

Photograph Kenneth Bool Chairman of Rutland County Council

The Chairman suggested openness and transparency.
The item was not in the end exempted and I was able to record the sorry

Video to follow:

I am wondering how legal tonight's meeting was? because the sudden
release of a the report meant the public could not make deputations
or ask questions.

Rutland County Council were aware of a “serious administrative error”
which has cost the council over £1.88 million. Just before the May Elections
and kept it a secret, Why would they do that? Perhaps media coverage might have
swayed public voting?

After the election the new council was confidentially briefed and this included
Rutland County Councillor Gale who protests twice weekly about council cover ups and
corruption. Why?

Photograph taken after Mrs Briggs gave her apology.

Mrs Briggs apologised publically for her staffs mistake and added how
she regretted it. she also said the error was a competency issue.

Mrs Briggs said she recognised she was responsible for her staffs actions.
So many times has Mrs Briggs acknowledged this but fails to take any

Thousands of pounds lost in senior staff overpayments, Suicide, Corruption
of the local police, lies in court, lists just a few of the things Mrs Briggs has failed to
acknowledge responsibility for.

Photograph above Terry King Deputy Conservative  Leader of Rutland County Council
Finance Portfolio Holder

Mrs Briggs and The Deputy Leader Terry King are ultimately responsible
for this loss and they should resign.

All the Councillors who obeyed orders to cover up this mistake should
also seriously look at their positions, how can any of them ever
be trusted to represent the residents interests.

Mrs Briggs also stated there would be far reaching consequences for
the Council.

Is that because what the former UKIP Cllrs so often raised is true?
Has Cllr King borrowed against the money originally pledged and
spent that money rather than waiting for receipt of the 106 contributions?
Lets hope not.

The cost of this mistake is rising daily, legal costs and other costs
are currently above £20,000

The Leader of Rutland County Councillor Roger Begy spoke about
the error as if it was not important. he started by saying says no one present has a
halo and implies the loss of millions is as a minor as a speeding offence.

Cllr Conde grovelled to the Tory Deputy Leader Cllr Terry King
complimenting him on the work he had done to ensure the loss was
only £1.88 million and not the full £6 million it could have been.

Of course the deal is not yet signed between Larkfleet and Rutland County
Council. Members only approved delegated powers for Mrs Briggs
and Cllr Terry King to finalise the deal this evening.

Edward Baines Deputy Chairman  stole Oakham Town Council's catchphrase
"it won't happen again'

The Rutland Times On-line published the following council statement:

“In 2011 the council was responsible for a serious administrative error when it failed to correctly document a variation to a major planning application. This mistake meant that the developer, Larkfleet, was no longer legally required to pay any sum of the original Section 106 monies towards the provision of local services in the Oakahm North area and, as a result, requested an opportunity to renegotiate.

“Larkfleet has agreed, however, to make a substation contribution towards the provision of services for people who will buy and live in the homes they are building. We have therefore been in negotiation with them for some time to reach a figure on which both sides can agree; and which, importantly, will allow us to ensure the necessary services are provided for residents in the area.”

All staff in the planning department have since undergone training and a new head of department has been appointed. Chief executive Helen Briggs said the error was a competency issue rather than a disciplinary matter and no-one had lost their job as a result.

The statement added: “We would like to say that while we regret the original error we have taken action to ensure it should never happen again; we are grateful to Larkfleet who we feel have behaved honourably in coming to an agreement that ultimately protects the interest of local residents in the Oakham North area.

The full report to councillors can be read on the Rutland County Council website.

Rutland County Council

The report shows Rutland County Council called in external auditors.