Sunday, October 04, 2015

Cllr Stephen Speak Tory Richmond Borough Cabinet Member joked England's losing rugby players should be sent on a bus to Coventry

Cllr Stephen Speak Tory Richmond Borough Cabinet Member joked England's losing rugby players should be sent on a bus to Coventry

He joked England's losing rugby players should be sent on a bus to Coventry – just hours after two people lost their lives in a double-decker crash in the city.

He deleted his tweet and apologised

To send someone to Coventry is a British idiom meaning to deliberately ostracise someone. Typically, this is done by not talking to them, avoiding someone's company and generally pretending that they no longer exist. Victims are treated as though they are completely invisible and inaudible. It is often used to punish people who, for example, refuse to join a strike
