Thursday, October 01, 2015

Mrs Cartwright was Rutland County Councils Development and Control Manager initially responsible for Larkfleet Planning which led to £1.88m Loss

Mrs Cartwright was Rutland County Councils Development and Control Manager initially responsible for Larkfleet Planning which led to £1.88m Loss

"The mistake, which came to light in April this year, was made when Larkfleet applied to amend a planning condition covering flood risk assessments in November 2011. The condition was changed in January 2012, but the acting development and control officer at the time failed to realise that a new Section 106 agreement was required."

Mrs C Cartwright Development Control Manager work for Rutland County Council up to the end of

Mrs Cartwright was still the Development Control Manager at the time Larkfleet applied to
amend a planning condition

Mrs Cartwright left the council mid way through the job after 25 years of service to stand as the successful Conservative  Candidate for the Uppingham January 2012 by-election.

So I think it is unfair of Rutland County Council to solely blame the acting Development and
Control Manager. They may not have seen the mistake handed to them by the outgoing manager.
Who I assume would have been far to busy preparing for her victory rather than worrying
about the possibility of a £1.88m loss.

Cllr Cartwright was not reselected to stand at this year's election. I wonder why?

Being cautious not to blame the ex councillor as I don't want her husband suing me
He is an ex barrister currently suing Thomas Cook

Ex-barrister sues firm over cancelled holiday