Sunday, October 11, 2015

Oakham Town Council Streets Accountants Overspend and Additional Spending Unauthorised

Dear Richard (Town Clerk)

Please can you explain why when the council only authorised up to £1200 + VAT
and the report from Streets Accountants ended up costing nearly £3000

133/15 ACCOUNTS 2014 – 2015 (Appendix C)
Cllr Michael Elliott summarised events to this point.
After discussions it was proposed by Cllr Martin Brookes, seconded by Cllr Paul Mills
and resolved with 8 votes for and 1 abstention to authorise the engagement of Streets
accountants to conduct a review of the Council's accounts for 2014 – 2015 for a quoted
fee of up to £1200 + VAT

On the payment list this week I see an additional visit was made by Streets adding a further £420 to the bill.

Who authorised this considerable overspend?

I can not recall being asked to vote on this.

It appears to me there are still no controls in place to protect taxpayers money and money is spent as
when a few people decide to.


Martin Brookes