Friday, November 13, 2015

Glenfield Carols On The Green

Sat, 19 Dec 2015 4:00pm

Glenfield Carols On The Green

This is an annual outdoor event on the run up to Christmas. There is usually a very good turnout of local people, but all are welcome. Carol sheets are provided and we hope there will be a handbell accompaniment again.

Please bring a torch and appropriate clothing.

Hot drinks and mince pies are provided afterwards.

Visit www.glenfieldmellenniumgreen.org for more information.

Glenfield Millennium Green is between Glenfield and Groby. The Green is off
Groby Road, Glenfield, south-east of the A50/A46 junction. LE3 8GN.

Venue: Glenfield Millennium Green

Disabled Access: Yes

Contact: Christine Tordoff / 0116 2991868