Sunday, December 13, 2015

Christmas in the Chapel Oakham School Chapel Chapel Close, Market Place Oakham, Rutland LE15 6DT Rutland Lions

Christmas in the Chapel

Tuesday, December 15th

Christmas in the Chapel:

Presented by The Lions Club of Rutand, “Christmas in the Chapel” will be a sparkling programme of Christmas music and carols in Oakham School Chapel on Tuesday 15th December commencing at 7.30pm.

The music and song will be provided by The Rutland Concert Band and The Rutland Choral Society, and will be in aid of TOFU (Time Out For Us), a group of young carers in Rutland whose lives revolve around caring for either parents or siblings. Monies raised through this event will provide this group of young people opportunities for some relaxing respite from their caring duties.

Tickets are £8 for adults and £5 for students and can be obtained from Music & More, opposite Wilkos in Oakham High Street. The chapel can hold a maximum of 250 people so please buy early to avoid disappointment.

If you are interested in the activities of The Lions Club, or you might wish to help support forthcoming Christmas events then please contact the Secretary on 0845-833-4319, or email rutlandlions@talktalk.net

Price: £8 adults; £5 students

Oakham School Chapel
Chapel Close, Market Place
Oakham, Rutland
LE15 6DT