Monday, December 28, 2015

Ex Oakham Town Councillor John Kennedy's Emails Continue

Ex Oakham Town Councillor John Kennedy's Emails Continue

Part of an email he has sent me and the Rutland Times concerns me, the part in which he mentions
Oakham Town councils old guards favorourite complaint to Leicestershire Police.

I was talking to one of my ex constituents, today, she tells me her grandmother used to be a councillor until Martin Brookes hounded, harassed and stalked her until she could stand it no more. This is the person who represents a ward of Oakham Town Council, but was not elected, he only got the position because nobody else was bothered to campaign against him. He is an absolute disgrace and should resign immediately. No, he won't, he will continue to accuse all the other decent councillors and ex councillors of bullying him, yet he is the BULLY

I am getting slightly worried about Mr Kennedy's conduct towards me.

I have wrote him what I consider to be a kind email considering his manner towards me
I hope he does take notice of what I have said.

Dear John,

I note the content of your most recent email, I am more than happy to not mention you ever again.
Once I have worked out how to retrieve the audio recording from boxing day I will publish it and I
think you and others will hear how you approached the County Council Car Park and attempted to
provoke me.

You make a very untrue allegation about stalking.

Also all present at the boxing day hunt knew I was a Oakham South East Cllr because I was wearing
my name badge and you were telling people who I was many thanks.

As for you issue about not being elected, I stood like most of the other councillors and yes as I told
members of the public whilst discussing co-option at the May election many of us were challenged
and others have been co-opted. The public complain we are all outsiders so I ask politely why they
dont stand the answer is because of the conduct of the old guard. The intimidation is not something
many are willing to put up with and witnessed and recorded at the boxing day hunt.

I went to Rutland County Council Car Park to enjoy the few moments of our community together
not to be intimidated to the extent I was, To be honest you were not the cause of me leaving
and joining the people in the street that was the four men known to Mr Lowe who constantly
referred to me as slime.

As for your resigation a few emails about a false allegation from me is hardly a reason for you
to resign. When I was directed to you online opinion I beleived you were a tough man but clearly

To finish John if you do not approach me when I am out and about and say silly things I
will have no reason to mention you ever again on my blog.

If you want to say hello and ask about my camera as you did just before Christmas that is

From Martin

PS John

I kindly point out to you if you wish to continue to publish about me in a way the seems almost slightly
obsessive could you please not publish it using the title of Oakham Town Councillor it is very damaging
for the councils image. Also if i or another person could be bothered we could get the page taken down
becasue you are not a Cllr as you are claiming on the page.

Thank you



Before completing this post ex Cllr Kennedy sent the following email to all Oakham Town
Council. It's interesting since resigning as a Cllr due to me copying him into a few email
about Cllr Adam Lowes false allegations of emails, John has sent myself and others a
much higher volume than I had sent. :-)

Dear all

As posted on my Cllr page, I said I would leave it on until Jan 2016 to allow people to message me, it will be deleted on 1st January 2016.

If Cllr Brookes posts anything against me after that point, I will respond directly via my own FB page.

I have already deleted my What Oakham Needs subscription.

As I am sure you are all aware, Cllr DRAMA makes all sorts of accusations about people making threats against him. I have NEVER made any threats, merely promised if he posts against me, he will get a similar post back from me. I am sure any educated person would understand the meaning of that.

Best of luck for the future, although I am sure NITRAM SEKOORB will continue to be as disruptive as he always has been and will always be convinced he is always being wronged. I didn’t have the time for his mind games, but I wish you all well in counteracting them.



NITRAM SEKOORB  explained John is using my screen name which I use to comment
on the Rutland Times to some it does not need an explanation its just my name in mirror

I really do hope John is going to move on and forget me I am more than happy to forget him
although if he continue with his current course of conduct I don't think he will just have an
issue with me. Some people connected to the Leicestershire and Rutland Neighborhood Watch
are expressing his suitability to continue in his role here in Oakham.