Thursday, December 03, 2015

New Request From Cottesmore Hunt Oakham Town Council Will Not Be Reconsidering The Cottesmore Hunt Ban From Cutts Close This Boxing

My personal Viewpoint

I welcome Oakham Town Councils decision not to reconsider the new application from the Cottesmore Hunt.

I will not be told by our Mayor Cllr Dewis that I should not communicate my personal view point  to the media.

I would also like to add comments Mr Lowe made last week were inaccurate.

The pop up bar was not a myth.

No one at the council said they were anti hunt at the council meeting.

All the terms stated in the hunts new request should have been agreed many years ago
the council has, and is always been far too relaxed when it comes to hosting or organising
many of it public events.


Martin Brookes

Cllr Martin Brookes
13 Willow Crescent
LE15 6EQ

Tel: 07508060962

Sent: Thursday, December 03, 2015 at 2:26 PM
From: "Richard White"
To: "Martin Brookes "
Subject: Cottesmore Hunt
Hi Martin

Please see below from Alf

Dear Colleagues

The office received a new  application from the Cottesmore Hunt to use Cutts Close for its Boxing Day Meet on 30th November and this was forwarded to me by the Clerk on that day. This is copied below

Following our application refusal on the 24th November 2015 for the Cottesmore Hounds to meet in Cutts Close on Boxing Day 2015, we would like to submit the following application for approval. We hope we have identified the risks and have put control measures in place to alleviate the Town Councils concerns.

Application from the Cottesmore Hunt to meet in Cutts Close, Burley Road Oakham.

26th December 2015
10.45 Hounds arrive
11.25 hounds leave Cutts Close via Oakham High Street

* A smaller number of hounds will be bought to the meet (we propose 5 couple ie 10 hounds)
* Horses and hounds will congregate with in a fenced off area
* Marshals wearing hi viz will ensure hounds remain with in this area
* The park will be re-instated to the condition prior to the arrival of horses and hounds; this will be photographed before and afterwards.
* All dog and horse mess will be removed from the area
* No alcohol will be supplied by the Hunt
* No political statements will be made
*Risk assessment and Public Liability Certificate are included with this application

The Boxing Day meet of the Cottesmore Hunt has taken place in Oakham for many years, and we are welcomed by hundreds of Oakham and Rutland residents. Rutland for Rutland and formerly Macmillan have raised thousands of pounds through peoples generosity by running collections at this festive meet, as well as businesses in Oakham who benefit from visitors to the meet staying for refreshments afterwards, it is part of our heritage and we must not allow it to become history

Yours sincerely

Cottesmore Hunt

After speaking with Richard,  I then spoke to Clare Bell the Secretary of the Cottesmore Hunt.  I explained that the underlying concerns of the Council were that Cutts Close was a children's play area and therefore not an appropriate venue for the Hunt to meet due to the horse and hound droppings.  The proposals put forward by the Hunt, although going some way to addressing those concerns, did not warrant the Council revisiting its original decision. The Secretary acknowledged that the issues raised were valid and appeared to understand the Council's stance.

The Secretary said that an alternative venue in Oakham was actively being sought for the Meet and from this it appears that the event will hopefully take place in Oakham in 2015.

Therefore, the original decision not to grant permission to the Cottesmore Hunt to use Cutts Close in 2015 will not be revisited by the Council at its meeting on 9th  December.  I have issued a Press Release to the Rutland Times/Mercury which they have part included in today's  Rutland Times.  I consider the front page headline to be emotive and I will be corresponding further with them on that matter.

I hope that members do not feel that they need to make comments to the press as this should be done centrally to ensure the Council's viewpoint is put and not the individual's viewpoint..