Sunday, December 13, 2015

Rutland Morris Men Mummers Play Pub Tour Wheatsheaf Langham 2 Burley Road Langham LE15 7HY

Rutland Morris Men Mummers Play Pub Tour

Thursday, December 17th

Rutland Morris will continue their tradition of touring Rutland pubs to dance and perform their “world famous” Mummers Play on THURSDAY 17 December .

They will perform at the Capt. Noel in Oakham at 7.45pm , the Wheatsheaf in Langham at 8.30, and the White Lion in Whissendine at 9.15.

All will be most welcome. Don’t worry about the weather, they will be indoors!
Do come and help keep a tradition alive.

Wheatsheaf Langham
2 Burley Road
LE15 7HY