Sunday, December 13, 2015

Stamford Town Council Christmas Market Looking Like A Rogue Events Organiser

Stamford Town Council Christmas Market Looking Like  A Rogue Events Organiser

At a training session for Councillor we were told you can own a hall but you should not
run it.

Stamford Town Councils running of the Christmas market which was cancelled is
a perfect example of how true that is.

As each day passes the Town Council is looking more and more like a rogue events
organiser of the sort that we sometimes see in the courtroom.

Although looking at terms and conditions of many other markets there often appears
the word non-refundable payment appears a lot. a word which appears in Stamford
Town Council's Terms and Conditions of Booking


Condition 10 could see some stall holder receiving a percentage refund if the council has not spent more on organising the event.

10. Postponement or Abandonment In the event of all or part of the Event being postponed or abandoned or being held wholly or partly in premises other than the venue or in the event of failure of any of the supplies, services or facilities afforded to Exhibitors due to lockouts, strikes or other circumstances beyond the control of the Organiser, the Organiser shall be under no liability in any way whatsoever in respect of any expenditure, liability, damage or loss sustained or incurred by the Exhibitors. The Organiser shall be entitled to retain all sums paid them or such percentage thereof as the Organiser consider necessary to cover the expenses incurred in connection with the Event. The Organisers shall not be liable for loss, damage or expenses which Exhibitors may sustain or incur by reason of any Local Authority intervening and preventing or restricting the use of Event premises or any part thereof in any particular manner. In the event of any incident which precipitates the closure either in whole or in part of the Event, the Organiser will not be held responsible for any curtailment of promotional facilities resulting in a possible reduction in sales or opportunity. 

Stall holders have paid between £60 and £125 for a pitch plus a £4 waste tax
I wonder if the traders read the terms before making payment and signing.

The waste tax could be something Oakham Town Partnership should consider imposing
at its events because currently it appears waste management is not something it considers
and Oakham looks like a dump after its events.