Friday, January 29, 2016

BBC Question Time Stamford School Lincolnshire

BBC Question Time Stamford School Lincolnshire

The panelists were:

Jess Phillips Labour MP for Birmingham Yardley
Angus Robertson SNP MP and Westminster Leader
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown Independent Columnist
Patrick McLoughlin Conservative Transport Minister
Moray MacLennan Saatchi

The show was presented and chaired by the same Miss David Dimbleby 

The first question was about Google  only paying 3% tax from Tom Burrows
Jess Phillips responded if google is only pay 3% tax it utterly unfair.

Moray MacLennan If you were told you could pay any tax rate you wanted
would you pay more or less? That's the choice Google has

Angus Robertson pointed out that Google are paying more tax under the Tories than they were under Labour.  he also said "I have never felt so much anger around tax issues as I have this week.
This is totally and utterly unacceptable"

Member of the audience said, the taxation of Google is sending out a dangerous message to
other large companies.

Another blamed the problem which has taken 6 years to sort on this Tory Government

Angus Robertson blames the complicated tax laws and says the issue is about us
paying fair share of taxes, the city of London is advertised as a destination for companies
to move to to benefit from tax avoidance. The UK government need to work with a number
of crown dependencies to close tax loop holes. Being able to pick up the phone and being
able to meet directly with the chancellor is totally unacceptable.  He also called for a
European investigation and transparency. Patrick McLoughlin disagreed for the need of
an investigation and went to explain what the government is doing, Angus Robertson
said know one believes you.

A member of the audience tries to put across the sum the Tory government have obtained from Google is a a tiny drop in the ocean, rude Yasmin Alibhai-Brown talked over him. He added
last year Facebook had paid less tax than he had. He agreed with David Dimbleby the
government should change the laws.

Yasmin Alibhai-Brown used the bedroom tax court case as an example of how the
government treat the weak strongly and the strong weakly.

Another audience member asked is it not the case the problem is caused by the revolving
door that is open for big accountancy firm and HMRC

Moray MacLennan was not sure if the law was the answer and suggest the mentioned
anger should be taken to companies like Google. "Take that anger to the companies.
If you go online and sentiment changes that will make them change their minds"

David Dimbleby responded with hang on how do find out anything if you don't use

Jess Phillips Labour MP for Birmingham would like advice on how she could
pay her taxes through Ireland?

A audience member blamed legislation and was not going to blame either the Tories
or Labour.  She agreed with ( Mr Saatchi's) Moray MacLennan comments and as a
small business owner she paid a higher percentage of tax than Google did last year.
It's not going to bother her because its done and they are going to move forward,
We need a balance between what the general public pay and these companies, She singled
out Tesco as a company who makes billions of pounds of profits and pays some level of tax. Then they are subsidised by the tax credits the country pays out. She was not saying tax credits are
a bad thing they are needed but if we could get companies to pay their fair share of
tax and pay fair wages will get equilibrium and that is what we need.

Another audience member wanted to know how much the HMRC investigation has cost
just to obtain this minimum amount of tax and calls for the report to be made public.

Patrick McLoughlin confirmed the report is confidential.

Another member of the audience pointed out a lot of good things come from taxation the
NHS, education etc she was disappointed with google who used to say do know evil are not
leading the way.

Yasmin Alibhai-Brown won a fan from the audience who pointed the Tory party fleece the
working class. Patrick McLoughlin was reminded he is an ex minor and should remember
his roots.

Another man said I am sure google don't have to wait an hour to speak to the tax office
on the phone.

The next question was from Caroline Mackrow can Britain afford or cope with taking
more refugees .

Angus Robertson Yes and said the UK  government simply hasn't done enough in the current refugee crisis

Audience member states the Prime Ministers Comments at Prime Ministers questions which are continuing to incite hatred  and prejudice and he should apologise.

The next question was from Liz James

What will be the single most important factor that influences voter in the upcoming EU referendum

Yasmin Alibhai-Brown Scotland will leave the United Kingdom is that what you want? Scots are very pro-European

Jess Phillips Both EU referendum campaigns are talking like men in suits and it is all very boring

Moray MacLennan said Uncertainty will play very strongly for staying in the EU because we don't know what will happen if we check out

The next question from Allison Wolfe

Why is it cheaper is it cheaper to travel from Sheffield to Essex by air via Berlin than on Britain's

The final question from Allison Jones

When and where is it acceptable to wear one's pajamas's

I had switched of by then, I guess it would not be acceptable if you were in the Question Time
Audience or sitting on the panel. Probably acceptable if you are watching at home!

or This Week