Friday, February 12, 2016

Cllr Alf Dewis Oakham Mayor Civic Event Raises £174 for Charity. Costing the Taxpayer Hundreds of Pounds more

Cllr Alf Dewis Oakham Mayor Civic Event Raises £174 for Charity and Cost Tax Payers Hundreds of Pounds more

Oakham Mayor recently held a civic reception at Rutland County Museum
for the invited few.

The evening raised £174 for a worthy course.

The event costs were far greater than the sum raised.

The cost of the hire of the museum and staff to be confirmed

Fine Red and White Wine from Oakham Wines cost to be confirmed

Food provided by Hungry Birds £219

I think it is time the taxpayers of Oakham told Oakham Town Council
that their money should not be spent in this way.

Spending more than is raised has been going on for years, the worse offender
Cllr Joyce Lucas's her expenditure included Baileys and tacky Belgium Chocolate
Shot Glasses.
Costs were obtained via FOI and when I published her extravagant spending
on her "Family, Friends and dignitaries" she reported me to the local plod
and accused me of harassing her.