Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Terry King New Leader of Rutland County Council Enters a Dark Period Leader Announces increased tax, £2 million in Cuts and Job Loses

Terry King New Leader of Rutland County Council Enters a Dark
Period Leader Announces increased tax, £2 million in Cuts and Job Loses.

Terry King announces council tax increase on Rutland Radio news
along with the probability of spending cuts amounting to £2,000,000
A significant sum for anyone especially our small council.
Terry appears to blame government cuts in funding, I assume it
is just a coincidence his figure for future cuts is almost the
same as the figure he and his Tories team lost last year.
At the time Terry said the loss of £1.88 million would not have
any effect. I don't think he was telling the truth?

Terry also mentions the possibility of job loses. No indication
yet as to the scale of those loses. A few years ago the staffing
levels were savagely cut by him and his Tory team. Most of
Rutland Councils work is contracted out to other councils.
Perhaps that is why we have the highest council tax bills in
England with little or no service in return.

At this weeks council meeting one of Terry's fellow Tories
described him as a financial expert. If that was really true
why is the small council in such a mess financially? he
has known about the proposed government cuts for a long

Rather foolishly he took his eye of the Hawksmead agreement
and lost £1.88 million. Like so many councils he rather
foolishly took money from the government for political
gain, that small amount of money was given in return
for a council tax freeze over a six year period, He and his Tory
team told us at last years elections it was all the result of their wonderful
management skills. As predicted the political funding has stopped
and Rutland County Tax payers are to receive largely increased
council tax bills and further cuts to services and job loses.
Well done Mr King and your Tory team.

Last week Mr King responded to a letter via the Rutland
Times, His white Elephant as described by Cllr Alf Dewis,
The Oakham Enterprise Park is apparently set to make thousands
of pounds of 'profit' this year, how can it be profit? surely profit
is something you make after you have covered your expenditure.
The Enterprise Park has cost the tax payer millions, I don't have
to look at the accounts to know it is not creating a revenue
in the high millions.
Rents are cheap, job creation is not worth stating, less than ten.
The effect the this site is having on other landlords throughout
Rutland is dire as companies relocate and leave the county
littered with empty commercial premises.
Landlords can not compete with Rutland County Councils
subsidised lettings rates, some spaces are let as low as £25 a month.
Of course the tenants wont be complaining accept when the
services fail and Rutland County Council cuts service charges
to cover these failings. Many of the tenants are good old friends
of the council.
Rutland County Council are pleased they are set to receive
award for the Enterprise Park the award is nothing I wonder
if they are paying for it?  just like so many other awards councils
pay for, Green Flag, Loo of the year, etc.

Mr Kings election to lead the council is very disappointing.
Personally I have found Mr King over the years very unpleasant
and quite nasty on occasions. I have a file of the most extraordinary
emails from him.

Mr King is currently unwell so I am expected not to be to unkind
which is difficult in the circumstances. Mr King in my opinion
is a man who represents the very dark days of Rutland County Council
he and Edward Baines are last two remaining Cllrs from that
period. Edward Baines the dinosaur and Terry King the rickety
old bulldozer, not a good thought at a time when Rutland County
Council needs some stability of leadership.

I don't see Mr King remaining leader for long, perhaps just long enough
to tidy up things in the back office.

Rutland County Council has a large group of Tories who are not
really Tories, some tell me they are just conservative with a small c
which has always been a problem here in Rutland, people pretending
to be Tories just to get elected. Most of those Cllrs if not all are
actually quite pleasant and come across as human. Unlike the Tories
who are Conservative with a Big C.

Mr King also has an appalling record for people safety in the
work place. His company has successfully been prosecuted at least
twice for failing to protect his employees after a number of serious accidents.