Sunday, February 28, 2016

Will Terry King's personal battle with Dave Richardson Continue publicly Now he is leader of Rutland County Council?

Will Terry King's personal battle with Dave Richardson Continue publicly Now he is leader of Rutland County Council?

Will we continue to see letters from the Tory leader referring to planet Cuckoo etc filling
the letters page of the Rutland Times.

It is hard to believe Cllr King once worked political for the good of Rutland with the
former Cllr Dave Richardson.

Many years ago the Tory Leader was Labour and a Liberal Democrat when he arrived in Rutland
he joined an independent group called Rutland Choice until he was tempted by Tory contolled
money which now sees him owning a company with a disgraceful health and safety record
and worth millions. If you mention those poor safety standards which have seen hefty fines
over the years Terry threatens legal action despite the convictions brought by the HSE being
public record.

When Terry was elected leader last week the Tories praised him for his financial accumin quite
funny when you consider the money he has seen Rutland County Council lose over the years.

When you take a closer look at the public records it not hard to see why his fellow Tories
think he does a grand job it's been a few year since he could not hold the position of company
director and many of their financial positions are on the verge of bankruptcy. The Langham Tory Cllr
holds three directorships all three companies have huge liabilities growing each year.

Mr King is like so many Rutland Tories they are not real Tory Members, it is said they are only
in it for their own financial benefit. They are Tory one minute and something else
next week. I am told one ex Tory Cllr is currently sitting on the council as an independent
because there allowance is more than benefits and when the Rutland Tories kicked him out
he had no choice but to stand as an independent. I am not sure what Edward Baines excuse
was for his to and throwing from Tory to independent?

Cllr Terry King An Understandable Mistake Rutland Council loses £1.88 million from Larkfleet Homes

Former Cllr Dave Richardson's Letter:

Conservative Leaders response: