Monday, March 28, 2016

Oakham Town Council Meeting Video Wednesday 23rd March 2016

Oakham Town Council Wednesday 23rd March 2016

Oakham Town Council Wednesday 23rd March 2016
last part of meeting planning applications missing
due to battery failure

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Oakham Town Council Meeting Report 23rd March 2016

Oakham Town Council Meeting Report 23rd March 2016

This evenings meeting saw a number of members of the public attended,
that included the deputy leader of Rutland County Council and other
significant members of that council.

The meeting was chaired by Cllr Adam Lowe, I am not sure if he is to be referred
to as our deputy mayor because he handed in the chain of office to the Clerk
before the meeting saying he no longer required it.

A Cllrs question was read out, it was from me submitted before the
resignation of the Mayor Alf Dewis. Asking about the recovering
of the unlawful expenditure. The Council confirmed Mr Dewis has repaid
some money.

Cllr Lowe then gave a report about a meeting he had with the disgraced Mayor
and senior person at Rutland County Council, all though he said this has
happened in the past it has never been reported to council before.

Cllr Vince Howard reported all he has arranged for the beacon lighting
for the queens birthday. He has done a grand job not costing the council
a penny.

We were to consider a report from the reports from Neighbourhood Plan
Steering group but it was missing.

Oakham Town Council agreed a way forward with the cemetery take over.
Cllr Stubbs felt I was telling him what to do, he rather annoyed said we
don't need you to tell us what to do.
A working group needs instruction and my proposals were only suggestions
and could have been changed but were all accepted.
The take over of the cemetery is unlikely to happen very quickly because
there are many issues that have recently appeared.

The review of Council Structure was once again deferred.

Risk Assessment management was considered and agreed a document
was rushed before council after the auditors pointed out we did
not have the correct policies in place.

The council awarded the last grant to one of its tenants £500
for works they are required to do themselves.

The planning and subcommittee can now meet after two new members
were appointed. Work will commence on the committees terms of reference
for later council approval.

Cllrs Jasmine and Sally-Anne were appointed to a working group
to review the councils website.

The New Mayoral Chain was deferred. Most members appeared not
happy to spend £4,400 on a new chain.

No changes were made to the councils recording of meetings or
use of social media policy.

A Oak tree which was not going to cost the council any money
is to being planted in Cutts Close costing around £500

The council agreed to seek quotes to get the fencing at Cutts Close
and Barleythorpe Field Painted. Fortunately Cllr Haley sorted that
out after it nearly did not happen, I voted against it in a block of
proposal by mistake.

A number of planning applications were considered.
and some tree destruction although the tree warden did say
Oakham School was very good with their trees. I don't think
so trees are not European sized veg the can be a bit wonky
and all different sizes.