Thursday, March 10, 2016

Simon Cole Leicestershire Chief Constable Challenges around issues of Morality in Oakham and Rutland Video Rutland Radio

Simon Cole Leicestershire Police Challenges around issues of Morality in Oakham and Rutland Video Rutland Radio

Rob Persani from Rutland Radio asked Simon about the challenges facing Leicestershire
Police here in Rutland. Simon said there are issues around Morality, its a shame Rob
did not ask him to define the Morality issues. Morality covers a lot of things from
prostitution to political corruption.

In response to residents not happy with police turning out when called,  he said he wants residents
to continuing reporting crimes and OK if we don't come OK we don't come out, we will if it is
an emergency.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Sir Clive Loader Conservative Police and Crime Commissioner has found the job and political attacks difficult Rutland Radio Interview

Sir Clive Loader Conservative Police and Crime Commissioner has found the job and political attacks difficult Rutland Radio Interview

Clive told Rutland Radio's Rob Persani not many the decisions he made were politically motivated.Clive felt the good tax payers of this area should not have to paid one more than pound
they had to for policing their safety, although he has increased the local tax demand three
times in the last four,  In order to keep the people safe.

When asked if he had a message for his successor,
He hoped he had built a good foundation on which they can build on, even though you may be
doing what others want or would have done themselves they may find they will be attacked
politically adding he found that very difficult.
Clive was never been a politician, before he was elected he joined the Conservatives to take on this role. A big mistake in my opinion. Another good reason why the role of Police and Crime Commissioner should not be political.

Wednesday, March 09, 2016

Congratulations Sir Clive Loader Leicestshire Police and Crime Commissioner for your regained Sense of Humour, Deleted Tweet

Congratulations Sir Clive Loader Leicestshire Police and Crime Commissioners for regained your Sense of Humour, sadly retracted when you Deleted your Tweet :-)

I don't need to know what he actually does, I have read what
he is meant to do. The role of the police and crime commissioner
was miss sold to voters.

I have watched the press coverage of Sir Clive's term of
office and surprisingly for a Rutland Tory he has implemented
some of the changes he promised.

But I and many others are not fooled by the role, he is not
in it for the people.

Too many people who have written to him over the years
complaining about the police have received letters in which
he states he can not help them.

I was saddened that his usual sociable demeanor had
deserted Sir Clive today. He also seemed very camera
shy, demanding that I not photograph or film him today.
I wonder if he needs some media training from Conservative
Central Office, and perhaps a short course in the expectations of those
who hold public office might not go amiss .

After such a promising start as our police commissioner he
seems confused as to whether he should run with the hare or
hunt with the hounds. 

Wednesday, March 09, 2016

Leicestershire Police Chief Constable & Police Crime Commissioner Visit Oakham Market Rutland Video

Leicestershire Police Chief Constable & Police Crime Commissioner Visit Oakham Market Rutland

Wednesday, March 09, 2016

Leicestershire Police Chief Constable and Leicestershire Police and Crime Commissioner Visit Oakham Market Rutland County Councillor Moves Protest to Market Place

Leicestershire Police Chief Constable and Leicestershire Police and Crime Commissioner Visit Oakham Market Rutland County Councillor Moves Protest to Market Place

At very wet and cold morning for Oakham Market.

Today the Chief Constable of Leicestershire Police Simon Cole visited Oakham
to hear views and opinions from residents.

He was accompanied by the thankfully outgoing Tory police and crime commissioner
Sir Clive Loader.

Sir Clive Loader today was evidence of why the role of police and crime commissioner
should not be a political paid position. Especially a rotten Rutland and Melton Tory
Member. Instead of good morning rather oddly for Sir Clive,
I was greeted with, "I don't want you taking my photograph today". Rob Persani from
Rutland Radio Interviewed the Chief Constable which I filmed, when it came to
the turn of Sir Clive to be interviewed he demanded I did not film him. I reminded
him he was a public figure and I should have added also paid far to much.
I did not film him, and took a photograph instead.

Rutland and Melton Tories are not a happy bunch at the moment after losing last
weeks by-election.

I have also received complaints from the Begy clan after I published an announcement
they published via Facebook. They have demanded I take down my post announcing
Nick Begy is to stand for Greetham.  The problem is the Rutland Tories who are
bunch of control freaks had not made a formal announcement before the Begy
family took to making an official announcement on Facebook.

Rutland County Councillor Richard Gale

Chief Constable Simon Cole

Inspector Gavin Drummond

PC Joe Lloyd

Simon Cole meets Cllr Richard Gale

Sir Clive Loader Police and Crime Commissioner.
Rob Persani Rutland Radio