Thursday, April 07, 2016

Charles Hanson from BCC Bargain Hunt and Antiques Road Trip Charity Auction Oakham Video

Charles Hanson from BCC Bargain Hunt and Antiques Road Trip Charity Auction Oakham Video

Wednesday, April 06, 2016

Charles Hanson from Bargain Hunt Hosts Charity Auction at Victoria Hall Oakham Fundraising for Glenfield Leicester

Charles Hanson from Bargain Hunt Hosts Charity Auction at Victoria Hall Oakham Fundraising for Glenfield Leicester

About £600 was raised for the Glenfield Leicester Breast Care Unit.

Although this event was originally organised by the Mayor who resigned for unlawful conduct.
I had thought Oakham Town Council had taken over responsibility for this event.
It now appears the event was still Alf Dewis's Some members of the council were unhappy
the event was being associated to the town council. I was not told this
until after the event, it was noticed both myself and Cllr Adam Lowe were both
wearing our council badges. Oh well as long as the money finds its way into the Mayors
charity bank account held by the council and passed onto the good cause that is all that
matters now.

The local paper was told it was a town council event a lot of confusion.

The evening was very enjoyable and I was pleased to be able to support it.

Cllr Lowe entertained the waiting audience with his humour before the
arrival of Charles Hanson, I am not sure his joke about the heartless bastard Oakham Town
Councillors went down well with the audience. Although one lady said it's good to hear him
telling the truth.

Anne the hall manager did a wonderful job with help from our assistant Clerk Allison