Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Catmose College Withheld A Large Part of Prize Money Given By Oakham Town Council

Catmose College Withheld A Large Part of Prize Money Given By Oakham Town Council

Although it was wrong for Oakham Town Council to use money belonging to the taxpayers
of Oakham, when the Clerk sent the £60 without the consent of the full council. It was sent
with the intention of benefiting one student.

The Oakham Town Council Award for Resilience.

On the night I asked the family of the young lady who received the prize, what did she receive?
she received a £15 gift voucher.

I was aware at this time £60 had been given, so I contacted the school and asked why
the prize had been reduced? putting it simply the school said they felt the prize was too
large and the surplus money had been distributed among others not named.

If they felt the donation was too large they should have returned the surplus to the town council.

The above letter from Catmose College forms part of Oakham Town Councils accounts
and shows Cheque no 103865 was used to pay £60 to benefit one person.
Although this a public document I have redacted the former students name because she is not at fault.