Thursday, May 19, 2016

Oakham Neighbourhood Plan Your Voice Your Choice Website

Oakham Neighbourhood Plan  Your Voice Your Choice

The Steering group funded by Oakham Town Council
have launched a website.


ONP Steering Group

Liz Sanders, Chairman  
Ann Lewis, Hon Secretary
Cllr Michael Haley, OTC Representative
Cllr Jasmine Hopkins, OTC Representative
Frank Payne
Cllr Oliver Bird
Michael Hinman
Paul Dowse
Maureen Burns-Jones
John Nowell, Oakham Town Partnership Representative
Christopher Clark
David Salkeld

Your Voice? Your Choice? Not something I have personally experienced.

I turned up last week as a resident to register my interest in joining one of
the first wave of working groups and Cllr Michael Haley greeted me by
telling me to leave because this was not a public meeting.

Cllr Haley has since written to me and said sorry for his mistake.

One of the important things this group and in particular Cllr Haley should
realise  is this plan is the communities and the independent examiner expects
proper inclusive involvement in it preparation from all members of our
community. Surely they don't want to be starting again in six months time
when the independent examiner may take the same view as they did
recently with Melton Mowbray Plan which was rejected due to lack of
public consultation.