Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Oakham Town Meeting and Oakham Town Council AGM

Oakham Town Meeting and Oakham Town Council AGM

Tonight the town meeting was held at Victoria Hall Oakham

Two members of the public attended.

A couple of questions were asked.

One member of the public raised question about Barleythorpe Boundary changes
another raised a concern I share the Clerks repeated absence and the cost.

I thanked Allison for stepping in again.

The AGM followed at 7.00pm

I am pleased to say that the meeting went well, certainly an improvement
on the last which seems to have scared away members of the public and
Rutland County Councillors who would have normally attended.

The funniest part of the meeting was when Joyce and Stan kept smiling
at the same time.

Stan is still a little impatient wanting to move on. I can only guess his
good wife is a super cook and he cant wait to get home to tuck in.

I have been appointed to some outside bodies, I shall need a reminder
in the morning, it will be good to be doing something.

I tried to get onto some of our own working groups but backed out
when it was obvious there were a few who did not want me on the
groups. A bit disappointing, but not worth continually fighting turds.

I nearly forgot Cllr Lowe and Cllr Haley have been appointed Mayor
and Deputy because none of the new members want the job.

The council decided not to seek a full internal accounts and procedure

They will not be asking the Oakham Town Partnership to return £1000
Cllr Haley referred to financial regulations which seem to permit
expenditure by the clerk without the need for any council approval.
He told us the council agreed (well did not) the Clerk can now spend
up to £5000 without the approval of full council, Personally I think
it was a very dangerous decision agreed under the chairmanship of
Alf Dewis. I would also like to know if its actually legal. because
most Oakham Town Councils spending falls under £5000 you
could ask why we need Councillors anymore.

The problem I also have with this is we are told the law states or
spending must be approved at council meetings. so how lawful
are our financial regulation which take this requirement away
from council?

Videos of meetings to follow.