Monday, May 23, 2016

Plantscape Payments Oakham Town Council Exclusion From Council Business by The Town Clerk Richard White

Plantscape Payments Oakham Town Council Exclusion From Council Business by The Town Clerk Richard White

Last year the Clerk paid two large invoices without the correct authority of the full council.
The law requires all payments over £5000 must have full council approval.

Using the FOI I have obtained emails, In his email sent to all members excluding me, last September it shows an abuse of the financial regulations.

The financial regulation he is referring to should only apply to invoices due which would
have incurred a penalty or interest for late payment. This did not apply in this case.

Earlier on in August the Clerk had sent a email with a similar request to pay plantscape
a larger sum of money and I pointed out because there was no contract in place for that
invoice and he could not explain why there had not been a contract agreed by full council
since 2013, I asked for the payment to be presented to council and I was ignored.

I don't know if the Clerk was told by the chairman Alf Dewis at the time to stop sending me
emails about council business or if it was something he decided to do himself.

The Clerk is currently taking a second month of sick so I can't ask him.

What I do know is from my one and only training session it is unlawful for any council
business to be conducted outside of meetings, we were told this included phone calls
and emails.

The three new Cllrs have received no training so they would not have known this at the

Cllr Joyce Lucas BEM should know better she has been a Cllr for decades and before that
she was a county Councillor.

I am also learning the councils standing orders and financial regulations override the law
of the land.

For example this week the Leicestershire & Rutland Association of Local Councils
reminded all parish council they are required by law to obtain three quotes. Our regulations
simple state the Clerk must do his best to get three quotes.

When I first joined the council I was told by the Clerk the law of the land does not apply
to Oakham Town Council as the years have passed I have learnt his words are true.

Under the leadership of Alf Dewis many of our regulations have changed this includes
a new one which permits the Clerk to spend up to £5000 with the nod from the
Chairman and Deputy or two other Councillors

I question the need for the council members?