Friday, May 06, 2016

Poor Turn Out For Leicestershire and Rutland Police Crime Commissioners Election 2016

Poor Turn Out For Leicestershire and Rutland Police Crime Commissioners Election 2016

Rutland's was 19.02 per cent.

This does not surprise me, canvasing was almost none existent here in Rutland

I met the Tory Candidate here in Oakham in the market place a few weeks ago
he gave me a leaflet which told me who he was and he used to work for the CPS

I received no information from any of the other candidates.

The job is not anything like it was sold to us back in 2012

I visited my polling station a spoilt my paper

20.25 per cent of voters in Leicestershire and Rutland cast a ballot

The figure is an improvement on the 16.34 per cent turn-out registered in
the first PCC election in 2012

The highest turn-out was in Leicester where 24.42 per cent of people voted.

Turn-out in Harborough district, where three of the four candidates live, was recorded at 24.30 per cent.

In Blaby the turn-out was 16.74 per cent and just 17.72 per cent in Charnwood.

Hinckley and Bosworth's turn-out was 17.69 per cent and it was 17.98 per cent in Melton.

North West Leicestershire's turn-out was the lowest in the county at 16.04 per cent.

Oadby and Wigston was 20.62 per cent


Tory Neil Bannister,
Labour's Willy Bach,
Lib Dem Sarah Hill
UKIP's David Sprason