Friday, May 06, 2016

Willy Bach Labour has been elected as the new Police & Crime Commissioner for Leicestershire and Rutland

Willy Bach has been elected as the new Police & Crime Commissioner for Leicestershire and Rutland with 78,188 votes

DULY ELECTED: BACH, Willy - The Labour Party

The PCC elections used the Supplementary Voting system, where voters were able to choose a first preference candidate and a second preference candidate.

When the first preference votes had been counted, no candidate had an overall majority (more than 50%). This meant the second preference votes for the top two candidates - Willy Bach and Neil Durban Bannister - were counted. First preference and second preference votes for these two candidates were then added together and the candidate with the most total votes won the election.

Results of first preference vote count:

BACH, Willy - 67,991 votes NO OVERALL MAJORITY
BANNISTER, Neil Durban - 46,958 votes NO OVERALL MAJORITY
HILL, Sarah - 19,359 votes NO OVERALL MAJORITY

Result of second preference vote count (for Willy Bach and Neil Bannister only):

BACH, Willy - 10,197 votes
BANNISTER, Neil Durban - 11,347 votes

Total number of first and second preference votes:

BACH, Willy - 78,188 votes
BANNISTER, Neil Durban - 58,305 votes

William "Willy" Stephen Goulden Bach, Baron Bach (born 25 December 1946), is a British Labour member of the House of Lords and was a Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State in the Ministry of Justice from 2008 to 2010. He currently serves on the opposition front bench.