Thursday, July 07, 2016

Rutland County Council Neglects the County and Town "shame on you"

Rutland County Council Neglects the County and Town

Resident are complaining on social media and letters to the press about uncut grass and weeds everywhere.

A Rutland County Council employee told one Oakham resident to stop complaining and do
it yourself.

Only last night I met two residents who were blaming Oakham Town Council for the mess
here in Oakham. I pointed them in the direction of Rutland County Council, I told them Oakham Town is crap but we can't be blamed for this.

Only the other day I saw two old people on their knees weeding from Victoria Hall
and along Church passage. The lady told me someone has to do it we don't want
visitors to see our town in this mess.

I had some spare organic weed killer and used it outside my home.

One resident posted on facebook:

Shame on you Rutland Country Council. Weeds as far as the eye can see in Catmos Street. Oakham in Bloom has judging for East Midlands In Bloom next Thursday, residents are doing the job we pay you £1000s of pounds a year to do. Gaol Street is worse.... Do you realise you have retired people who care about our town making themselves poorly doing this, so we stand a chance of getting an award. If anyone can spare a little time to help us.... That would be great. Please everyone repost for me, this job is massive and Oakham in Bloom members need to be doing other things!