Sunday, July 10, 2016

Threatening Intimidating emails from Oakham Mayor Cllr Adam Lowe

This weekend I have received Threatening Intimidating emails from Oakham Mayor Cllr Adam Lowe

Cllr Lowe gets a little upset when I CC all Cllrs into replies to his emails his sends me.

Cllr Lowe is one of the major problems that continues to effect the correct functioning
of our town council.

Cllr Lowe will one day send email saying he understands how I feel because two faced
Cllrs are treating  him the same as they do me. The next day he has kissed and made
up with them and resorts to attacking me. Oakham Town Council is worse than school.

Cllr Lowe lost the plot when his best friend Cllr Alf Dewis resigned for unlawful conduct.
Cllr Lowe will not accept that the one example of Cllr Alf Dewis's poor conduct was anymore
than a "simple mistake"

Cllr Lowe in my opinion is nuts and I am expecting him to attempt to provoke me at
this Wednesday's meeting as he always does.

 "the gloves are basically off"  I wonder if I will have to resort to self defense at this
weeks meeting?

Sent: Saturday, July 09, 2016 at 10:02 AM
From: "Adam Lowe"
To: "Martin Brookes"
Subject: Re:






Question, if every time I got pissed off with you and replied and copied in everyone stating what you have done in the history how would you feel, I won't list it all as I do not want to piss you off but if you do this again, every e-mail I get from you with a copy list I will reply to all and list ALL your historical actual and other allegations be them true or untrue, as they are in the public domain I would not be breaking the law.

Perhaps it would easier for you to just block me again like the other week.


Matin I have zero tolerance where you are concerned now and the gloves are basically off and there is nothing you can say or do to me that you have not already tried.

So, are you planning on disrupting the meeting on Wednesday or are you going to accept the consequences of your actions and allow the rest of the Council to move forward?

Adam Lowe