Friday, August 12, 2016

Great Team Work at Oakham Town Council Cllr Joyce Lucas we can't speak in front of him

Great Team Work at Oakham Town Council Cllr Joyce Lucas we can't speak in front of him

"Him" being me. Cllr Lucas often says this in my presence constantly excluding me from
council business or is it just idle gossip?

Oakham Town Council now restrict the opening of the council chamber to 20 minutes
before a meeting. Once they unlock the door the internal office door is locked and
some Councillors the old guard are permitted access.

I find myself sitting and waiting own my own until at least five minutes before the
meeting as other members now chose to sit outside. If I pop my head around the door
Cllr Lucas often as shown in this video clip says we can't speak properly now or I cant
speak to you in front of him. Such a funny woman.

I decided two see if she would say it again so I turned on my camera and popped my head
around the door again and she did so funny.