Sunday, August 07, 2016

Rutland Chat Forum Oakham Town Council Rutland County Council 2009

Rutland Chat Forum Oakham Town Council Rutland County Council 2009

This is the first post made about me by a bunch of unpleasant Oakham Town Councillors
and Rutland County Councillors and their friends.

The first posted by a local photographer and now Rutland County Councillor
provoked many more posts and started a campaign of homophobic hate.

It is true what you don't see or know can't hurt you.

I wonder if the member of public had not directed me to on-line activities of these Councillors,
would the last seven years been better?

The deputy leader of Rutland County Council said last week people have forgotten who
started all this. Well I have not and I have not forgotten the support Rutland County Council
and Leicestershire Police gave these revolting people who did not even know me when they
started their campaign back in 2009

Many thanks

Ex Mayors and Deputy and all the other pointless town Councillors who contributed.

Rutland County Council did eventually shut down their forum hosted by Rutland On Line
this gave Oakham Town Council and Co a bit of problem, so they turned to using blogs
most controlled by ex Cllr Charles  Haworth.