Thursday, September 01, 2016

"Dog Poo Corner" Royce Playing Field Princess Avenue Oakham Rutland

"Dog Poo Corner" Royce Playing Field Princess Avenue Oakham Rutland

Dear Oakham Town Council,

I have received complaints from residents regarding the corner of Royce Playing Field

They describe the corner as dog poo corner.

Joyce I believe calls it a wildlife wilderness or something like that.

One resident had to tackle loads of stinging nettles to paint their fence.

I visited the area today and think it looks like a neglected part of the play area.

Early this year I obtained and gave Cllr Lucas some pack of wild flower seeds for the corner.
Cllr Lucas returned them to me because the packs were not for resale, she seems to have
a miss-understanding of that condition.

On behalf of the resident please could the council tidy up this area ASAP.

Photographs attached.


Martin Brookes