Saturday, September 24, 2016

Historic Cast Iron Nene Viaduct Railway Bridge River Nene Peterborough Cambridgeshire Joseph Cubbitt Thomas Brassey

Historic Cast Iron Nene Viaduct Railway Bridge River Nene Peterborough Cambridgeshire Joseph Cubbitt Thomas Brassey

The bridge is a listed structure and was constructed for the Great Northern Railway
in 1850.

Built by engineer Joseph Cubitt, the contractor was Thomas Brassey (1805 - 1870) who
also built railways in India, Australia and South America, Russia and the rest of Europe.

Despite minor strengtening in 1910 and 1914, the structure is basically original although
it now carries trains travelling at more than 100 miles per hour it is be the last cast iron
bridge on a major British Rail high speed route.

The steel bridge alongside was added in 1924.