Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Oakham Mayor Cllr Adam Lowe Closes Oakham Town Council

Oakham Mayor has closed Oakham Town Council on Google.

This morning Oakham Mayor a member of setting up Google accounts and making satirical

I have not personally seen any of this activity he claims is happening.

He claims he has contacted Google to close them down. I am not sure he is telling the truth
because for a number of years I have been trying to get some of the content also described
satirical by the a former Oakham deputy Mayor and supported by Adam Lowe and the old
guard and described by the district judge as "homophobic crude and crass and not satirical"

It has been impossible to deal with Google.

What I find shocking about our Mayor is if he is telling the truth about the content he
claims he has found he points the finger of blame at a unamed Councillor and suggests they
have an unsettled mind. He might like to direct that sort of comment closer
to home, Perhaps he should speak to the former deputy Mayor who was always willing
in the past to create his own unique style of satire in his and others behalf.

Cllr Lowe contacting Google has achieved something which perhaps should happen for
good, the council is closed according to Google

Oakham Mayor Adam Lowe

Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2016 at 8:15 AM
From: "Adam Lowe"
To: "Martin Brookes"
Cc: "lucashackgreen@aol.com" , "Allison Greaves" , "Jasmine Hopkins" , "Stan Stubbs" , "Vince Howard" , "'Sally Anne Wadsworth'"

Dear ALL

It would appear a Town Councillor has been setting up Google accounts pretending to be or represent Oakham Town Council, posting pictures on them and making satirical comments.

I have intercepted one account on Google and tried to get it closed and advised Google about this fraudulent activity.

Can who ever the person is make themselves known and explain to the rest of the Town Councillors why they feel it is acceptable to be create a false account pretending to represent the Town Council, as I am aware in the past when false accounts have been set up at least one Councillor has make complaints about this saying people have attacked them via such a medium.

The actions of this Councillor actually represent a very unsettled mind to me where they feel the need to conduct themselves in such an underhand and deceitful manner.

I trust the individual will now desist and close down all on line accounts where they are miss-representing or pretending to be the Town Council and start acting in way more appropriate to that of a Councillor.  


Adam Lowe