Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Oakham Mayor Cllr Adam Lowe Further Threats to exclude

Oakham Mayor Cllr Adam Lowe Further Threats to exclude

What is wrong with this man? if he and the old guard concentrated as much time as they do harassing and bullying me on actually serving the community we would have a fabulous little parish council serving the community of Oakham.

Cllr Lowe sent me the following regarding a new blog I have created, I post my response below and add a disclaimer in the title of the new blog as if anyone would be as simple as him and the old guard to believe it is a Oakham Town Council website. it is a blog about the town council and its many failings

Attention Cllr Martin Brookes

Dear Martin

I have been made aware that you have created an OTC website where you have then portrayed the Council
and other groups in a miss-represented format, this is the only way I can describe it.

I am requesting you take actions to remove the connection from OTC and the other groups as the portrayal is
that this is the OTC website when it is not.

Below is a screen shot, where as I have no problem or no control over you choosing to ridicule myself and others on your blog,
I believe that this internet publication is misrepresenting the Town Council, misleading the people of Oakham and is disrespectful
and as such breaches our Standing orders.

If you choose not to remove all reference to OTC where the site is portrayed as the OTC website then it will be the first agenda item at the
next meeting where the Council will be asked to vote on this request formally.

The result of which may result in you being excluded from the remainder of the Council meeting.

The same item will also be asking the Council to support legal action against you for this apparent attempt to misrepresent the Council.

Further to this the Council will be asked to advise the public of the Town and County of your actions via the local papers so as to ensure that
the people we serve are aware that you have acted in this manner, which portrays you in a poor light.

Martin I would anticipate your full co-operation and thank you in advance.

Adam Lowe
Oakham Town Council

Dear Adam

I have not created a website, I have created an additional Blog Titled "Oakham Town Council Failing the community"
I feel this title reflects the comments recently made by the monitoring officer. "The Town Council is not working"
I do not believe that anyone who visit the blog will think this an official blog produced by Oakham Town Council

I do not believe the blog ridicules you or anyone, it simply duplicates posts from my main blog.
I am considering at some point after requests from members of the public, that I move the
content about Oakham Town Council  to a separate blog to make it easier to follow.

The blog has useful links for readers without comment,  Rutland County Council Site, Oakham Town Partnership,
and the Neighbourhood Plan. I also link to the council social media sites

As for your proposal to bring an item to council to get me to remove another of my blogs, when is this council
going to stop? I pointed out the latest joke which was introduced into our revised standing orders at the last meeting.
The council supports the use of social media and blogs etc. It does not and never has.

You state I may be excluded from the remainder of the council meeting. Who do you think you are, Dictator Lowe?
You and others know you as chairman can only seek an exclusion vote, according to standing orders if a member is
conducting themselves in a disorderly manner during a meeting.

Perhaps the monitoring officer could point out the illegal nature of your proposal?

You then say:

"Further to this the Council will be asked to advise the public of the Town and County of your actions via the local papers so as to ensure that the people we serve are aware that you have acted in this manner, which portrays you in a poor light."

It is a councillors role to challenge all failings council and I will continue to do so, as this is something those I represent expect me
to do. Your constant threatening and Bullying conduct and indeed the meeting at which you assaulted me portrays you in a very poor light.

Once again Oakham Town Council or should I say you and the old guard are attempting to suppress my freedom of expression, freedom of speech
and restrict my capability to carry out my duties and responsibilities as a councillor by constantly excluding me from council activities.
When will you and the old guard learn this is not you happy little social club, but the lowest tier of local government that is mean to
serve the whole community of Oakham.

Just in case any one is in the slightest way confused I will add a tiny disclaimer.

This blog is published by Cllr Martin Brookes and not Oakham Town Council

