Friday, September 16, 2016

Rutland County Council Proposal To Build Extension in Conservation Area to Rutland County Library For Childrens Services 2016 0872 FUL

Rutland County Council Proposal To  Build Extension in Conservation Area to Rutland County Library For Childrens Services 2016/0872/FUL

The County Council are wanting to move Children's Services
out of Catmose Campus due to increasing numbers attending
Catmose College.

They want to build an extension on the rear of the County
Library here in Oakham.

I am sure they will give themselves permission.

This is when I see how unfair planning is, a nearby resident
wanted to build a small extension on the rear of their property
which can not been seen from the street. Rutland County Council
turn down their application in the conservation area.

Planning with RCC is a lottery you only have to look at the
nearby Stamford Road for that which is also within the conservation