Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Aldi Stores Ltd Rutland County Council 2016/0808/MAJ Cllr Cross gets Cross Video

Aldi Stores Ltd Rutland County Council 2016/0808/MAJ Cllr Cross gets Cross Video

Cllr Cross (conservative Jester) likes to put on a show at most meetings. His comments
regarding officers work did not go down to well during the Library Application.
I wonder how many gins keep him so cheerful? (remembering the meeting when he made
a request to finish one he had start during a previous meeting adjournment, I guess it
won't be long before we hear report about him chasing Cllr Conde in his PJ's through

Cllr Conde was told off twice at the same meeting once for talking to a member of the
public whilst the meeting was adjourned. I am not sure the legal staff were correct to
say a Councillor can not speak to a member of the public when council is not sitting
I learn something new each time I attend a RCC meeting.

Cllr Conde was also told of for circulating a photograph among members during the
meeting. No it was not a photos of the Chairman Edward Baines wearing speedo's on a beech.
It appeared to be a lorry on a narrow village road.