Tuesday, October 04, 2016

Oakham Town Council Lack of Finance Report and The Old Gym Princess Avenue Oakham

Oakham Town Council Lack of Finance Report and The Old Gym Princess Avenue Oakham

Dear Oakham Town Council

It has been over six months since the finance working group led by the Deputy Mayor Michael Haley 
has produced any required report to full council this is unacceptable as is Cllr Michael Haleys
continued obstructive conduct.

He and Michael Elliot both attempted to with hold the previous internal audit report when I requested
a copy. 

Cllr Haley needs to understand the role of all Cllrs, scrutiny and questioning is a big part of that and 
is expected by those we represent. I am not sorry he and a small group find my simple requests inconvenient.

They would find it less inconvenient if they stopped trying to hide things. Of ocurse Michael will now rant 
back at me we have nothing to hide. so then please explain why my requests are ignored and you fail
to produce the required reports for council as I pointed out at the last meeting?

Recently Michael has persuaded the council to give away property and land to a commercial organisation
for 99 years for no fee. 

There is no indication that the council will even be seeking its legal costs which is normal when a commercial
lease is agreed.

I challenge the legality of this decision, the council hold the land and property at Princess Avenue in trust 
for the residents. I do not believe we have a right to give a 99 year free lease with a rent lower than that 
given in a valuation.

The council is required to advertise the property at the market value and has failed to do that.

I was verbally attacked by Cllr Jasmine Hopkins who is a great supporter of Cllr Haley 

she said angrily "Cllr Brookes is never happy ........"

Cllr Brookes would be happy if the council was open and transparent and had advertised the property
yes Cllr Brookes is not happy that the old gym remains empty. He is also not happy that the council
renamed it Oakham Community Centre and increased the council tax bills of residents to cover the 
loss of income from leaving it empty.

To finish my questions are will the council check the deeds of the land gifted to Oakham and see
if we can give away part of it for no fee to a commercial organisation. If we can what will be put in
place to stop them selling on the lease for profit next year?

Can the council please explain why it has not advertised the property on the open market.
Cllr Haley continually states no one is interested in the property, I find it hard to understand 
how that is the case when the property has not been publicly marketed.

If it was perhaps the Leader of Rutland County Council could consider leasing it for a proper
community us Children services, a Rutland County Councillor told me he consider the building 
to small. I would like to see him fit it in the space next to library as he is proposing.

The existing building at Princess Avenue could be demolished along with the garages owned next
door owned and neglected by Rutland County Council.

thank you

Martin Brookes