Oakham Town Council Claimed I voted on a matter, when I was excluded from the
meeting when the item was considered in a locked office.
Oakham Town Council says no member of the staffing committee or the council contacted or met
the Clerks representatives. It is a fact the negotiations were completed and agreed after Oakham Mayor Cllr Adam Lowe visited the former Clerk at his home without the consent of the council.
I and others are aware of this meeting, because he told us all and asked that none of us contacted the Clerk. No notification was ever given to the council before the 13th July 2016, The Mayor visited the Former Clerk after the Union had contacted the council and asked for a settlement. It would I assume
be normal for a Union to speak to an employer before making such final demands.
A small group of Cllrs led by the Mayor of the council managed to exclude me from all meetings that involved the matter of the clerks employment, so I have never been updated. It is a fact I was not told
the Clerk had terminated his employment until the end of last month despite repeated request for information.
I have made repeated requests to see the exempt minutes relating to the Clerks employment, even though the public minutes state they are available for all Councillors to see the Council refuse to let me see them so I have to rely on what I overheard at the locked office door on the 13th July 2016
The Clerk was permitted to resign and leave the council with his "head held high"
and received a large pay off that, he requested directly from the council not via
his representative. The pay off appears to be substantially lower than the original demand
made by his union.
Cllr Adam Lowe at the same time told members the Clerk had broken the law and breached
his contract of employment and blamed the ex Mayor Alf Dewis for creating the situation which
left the council with no other options, they had to pay.
At the last meeting I pointed out that the council had made two electronic payments
to a undisclosed person for the total sum of £18,000 The Mayor Adam Lowe incorrectly
quoted data protection for the reason why the council had not put the recipients name
against the payments.
All Council have to publish the full detail of any payments they make. Of course they can refuse
to give details of the circumstances which led to why they made these payments. We often see
this when council CEO's etc are paid off at other councils.
I have notified the council of my intention to object to the payments when the accounts are
sent to the external auditor.
I will assume the payments were made to the ex clerk so I will also object to them based on that
they should not have been made after the Mayors comment that the Clerk had broken the law and breached his contract of employment many times.
Friday, July 15, 2016
Oakham Town Council Meeting Video 13th July 2016
Oakham Town Council Meeting Video 13th July 2016
Our Mayor Adam Lowe the bully kicked me out the meeting and relocated it to the office
just because I was attempting to seek clarification that my suggestion had been added to
a proposal.
I am surprised he did not kick me out earlier, at Oakham Town Council we are no longer
permitted to ask questions in public related to the accounts and spending of public money.
At the same meeting Cllr Lowe promoted by Cllr Haley refused to split the conduct item
item into the various questions and recommendations the fool made members consider
the all at once by just accepting the recommendations. Very daft when you look at point
four which it difficult to understand. Looking at it required a decision yes or no even though
Cllr Lowe had included text that the council could not actually do what he wanted them to
The assistant Clerk tells me she has spoken to the new clerk who is going to speak to
Cllr Lowe so it looks like once again an item is going to have to come back to council again!
Our Mayor Adam Lowe the bully kicked me out the meeting and relocated it to the office
just because I was attempting to seek clarification that my suggestion had been added to
a proposal.
I am surprised he did not kick me out earlier, at Oakham Town Council we are no longer
permitted to ask questions in public related to the accounts and spending of public money.
At the same meeting Cllr Lowe promoted by Cllr Haley refused to split the conduct item
item into the various questions and recommendations the fool made members consider
the all at once by just accepting the recommendations. Very daft when you look at point
four which it difficult to understand. Looking at it required a decision yes or no even though
Cllr Lowe had included text that the council could not actually do what he wanted them to
The assistant Clerk tells me she has spoken to the new clerk who is going to speak to
Cllr Lowe so it looks like once again an item is going to have to come back to council again!