My friend ex Mayor Paul Beech directed me to his post
on Facebook
I can not post as a Town Councillor what I truly think of Mr Beech and the hatred he has for
The same goes for ex Cllr John Kennedy who's comments I thank fully can not see because
he blocks me.
Tracy Carr resigned last week and told Rutland Radio she resigned due to the conduct
of Councillors, now I read she is laying the total blame at my door.
I repeat it is a shame she has gone. I would suggest she is lyingShe just like me often did not like how things were done at Oakham Town Council
and most recently she spoke out after Adam Lowe gave a presentation to replace the clerk
she did not like how it was being handled and I would suggest that is the real reason for
her going. If you disagree with the old guard you will find there are frictions as she told
Rutland Radio.
I object to Mr Beech constantly raking up my personal life and post on social media but there
is no point telling him because he knows that and that is why he does it.
I will remind him and his few old followers that when the conduct report was produced
the investigator said I react to other peoples poor conduct but two wrongs don't make
a right I am trying hard not to react to his current conduct towards me.
He suggests I pushed out the Clerk that is not true the Clerk failed in many of his duties
and Cllr Lowe told members this and he was paid £18,000 to resign.
The current audit report shows one of his many failings and that was his failure to
keep records.
I go on and point out people were leaving Oakham Town Council long before I had ever
heard of it.
Before 2010 Rutland County Council constantly published report stating the town council
was dysfunctional. It also failed Audits as it did when Cllr Alf Dewis Acted unlawfully.
Cllr Elizabeth Walker killed herself.
Cllr Julie France was the first cllr after that who resigned in 2009 she was a professional
woman, The sort of professional that I thought Tracy was.
I fully understand I can be annoying but I am not this awful person that the old guard
smear me with.
If the council did as it was meant to and did not constantly attempt to exclude me
then it could work.
The current monitoring officer said in a report the council is not working that is not
my fault.
I do not push people on the floor at meetings as Adam Lowe did to me.
I do not swear at cllrs like cllr Stan Stubs did.
I do not not stop people from speaking in meetings when they are entitled to as Cllr Michael Haley did.
I do not lie constantly to the police which was proved when I was taken to court three years ago.
I agree with the assistant Clerk Allison Greaves the council is dysfunctional.
The chairman Adam Lowe and his deputy Michael Haley are very foolish
I ask for things I am entitled to and they obstruct my requests constantly.
The long delay for bringing of the 2014 - 2015 audit report to council and there refusal to provide a copy of the internal audit report or even put it before council as required is a perfect example of their poor conduct and these failing are on display for all to read on the councils notice board.
I really find it hard to believe that Mr Beech would have put up with this when he was on the council
but then again he might have because when Richard White took over as Clerk he told me the town
council had no accounts and that is why the past clerks board has been taken of the wall to hide
the missing names from the public.
I would like to see the day Oakham Town Council the council
actually serves the community correctly, for trying to do that I and my friends have been
attacked by the old guard for years and Mr Beech contributed to the most damaging and that is the
blog run by now ex Town Councillors called laughing stocks which was described by the district
judge as Homophobic Crude and Crass.
Here is one page created by the former town cllr Charles Haworth it has photos of my friends
and suggest I am a prostitute, something these idiots connected to our council often tell the
job centre
The late Cllr Maureen Dodds organised a campaign of hate against me which led to the successful
prosecution and conviction of the late Phillip Quinton and that is just a small part of what I have
had to put up with since moving to Oakham and getting involved with Oakham Town Council.
Mr Beech and his friends like to hide all this from people but what the forget is most people
in Oakham are not blind or stupid.
Oakham Town Council is currently looking to co-opt two new members I ask people to
join, people who are not my friends and they respond do you think I mad?
I quite like the comment of a Rutland County Councillor this weekend "do they not understand the
more they put up a wall against you nothing is ever going change"
The Town Council receive complaints from another Rutland County Councillor about the
conduct of members of a working group, I am not permitted to join working groups but
I am sure I will get the blame for that.
So OTC has lost another councillor. Can you see the trend here? Cllr Brookes seems to think it's not his fault and down to a statement made during last night's meeting. Dream on. He said she never did anything wrong to him - I'm not surprised as she could well have been scared to death of him. It might be that he, Brookes, is a part of the 'Old Guard' now which is down to his elongated presence on the council. Perhaps she could publish her resignation letter here and end the speculation. Or he could write it for her.