Thursday, November 10, 2016

Former Oakham Mayor Paul Beech Thinks I should be arrested.

There used to be a time when if someone, namely a local councillor in this case, caused the parish or county council to pay money in compensation and it was found he/she did so in a malicious, squandering or deliberate way, they would be held to account. In other words they would be forced through the courts to pay it back. But it seems that Cllr. Brookes is immune from prosecution and being made to recompense the town for his actions  against the former clerk, which I had a hand at his interview, along with 11 others, and appointing him in 2004. He, Cllr Brookes, complains about missing documents and files and if he had a modicum of thought he'd have done his research and found out who it was exactly that 'lost' (he says) a great deal of files. We can't prove it, but there we go - move on. Which is what I suggest Cllr. Brookes does now. He's like a dog with a bone, he just can't let go and so for the sake of all of us, move on. He should have been prosecuted years ago for attacking the former clerk and many others, including me, with innuendo, lies and vile personal attacks. Come the next election please make sure somebody stands against him. Vote him out because it's a fact he won't ever get co-opted.

Oh dear Mr Beech ex Mayor of Oakham

He still wants me prosecuted for holding the council to account.

For the record it is the external auditor Grant Thornton who point out publicly that
the Clerk did not keep the required Audit Records. Not me! (please see the comments
displayed in the public notice board outside the council office. Other reports such as trees are
missing, they did not just walk out of the office?

My comments on the external auditor comments are not vile attacks as Mr Beech 
explains it is as the auditor points out in a previous report the responsibility of  
a councillor to ask questions.

The internal auditor also commented on the disgusting arrangement the former 
clerk had where he received £6,000 a year instead of pension contributions.

I repeat a comment made by another former Mayor Alf Dewis if he had been on the 
council in 2004 there is no way the agreed contract of employment would have 
been agreed. It is my understanding that the councils personnel adviser was not 
happy with the contract. Fortunately they are now helping us sort out this mess
created by past Councillors.

It was the current Mayor Adam Lowe who told members of the council the
former clerk had acted unlawfully and breach many terms of his contract.

The town council then breach laws by paying the Clerk £18,000 tax free to 

So Mr Beech if you feel that by me pointing this out I have committed any
criminal offence then please do pop along to Leicestershire Police.
My door is always open to them.

When this is all sorted I will move on to the next issue that is a Councillors 