Friday, November 04, 2016

New Locks on Oakham Town Council Notice Board To prevent me from obtaining clear copies of documents they refuse to give me

New Locks on Oakham Town Council Notice Board To prevent me from obtaining clear copies of documents they refuse to give me when I request them.

The town council does not own the notice board it is the property of Victoria Hall
I wonder if the council asked for permission before fitting these ugly locks.

I ask the Mayor he has not responded to that question, he did say he was not
responsible for the product used when I asked why cabinet locks were not used.

What I want to know who is actually running Oakham Town Council?
Because it certainly is not a team.

The other week the Mayor and Assistant Clerk passed when I opened the notice board
to take a photograph of the external auditors report after the council failed to provide
members with a copy of.

Despite the criticism from the external auditor the council is still refusing to supply me
with a copy of the internal audit report.

I notice it is not being presented to council at the next meeting for consideration comment and
action as the external auditor points out should happen.

Members received the agenda today and all the financial papers have not been supplied
no reason given.